NGC7023, the Iris Nebula, is located in the constellation of Cepheus. In the center of the nebula is the the blue giant mag. 7 mag. Distance: ~1400 light years.
This image more or less ruined by passing thin skies, you can see the reflections in the bright stars. Also losing important signal for the dark dust lanes and making star color a little green. I may need to re-take all data for this object as it is a very nice wide field target.

RA 21h 01m 34s, Dec 68d 13m 10s
Pos Angle +48° 17', FL 393.5 mm, 3.87"/Pixel
Optics and mount: Takahashi FSQ106ED f/3.6 on Takahashi Em-200
Camera: Artemis 4021. Guided with MiniBorg 60ED and DSI pro II.
Filters: Astrodon LRGB
Exposures: L 14 x 600 sec. RGB 7 x 300 sec. bin 2x2.
Software: Maxim DL (Guiding, darks), Photoshop CS2.
Date and Location 27.08.2008 / 59 11 47.83 N. - 10 22 29.33 E

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